I attended a recruiting session about a week ago and I have not heard anything back yet. I'm worried about all of the negative things I'm hearing about the airline. Has anyone worked for Mesa Air Group? Feel free to email me at Brandinicole1188@yahoo.com. THANKS :)
Aircraft - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, I worked for them for 4 years as a pilot. Overall, I'd say that the Mesa flight attendants were not a happy bunch.The pay was low, the schedules hard, and the management relationship with employees highly adversarial. The flying was fun and I enjoyed most of my co-workers, but if you have a chance to go to work for Skywest, Horizon, American Eagle or another regional carrier, take it. No regional airline job is going to be great, but it's a foot in the door toward a job with the majors.
2 :
Do yourself a favor and don't worry. Find something better than Mesa. The guy that runs the show there (JO) is the biggest low life that ever lived! You will live in poverty working for these guys and working conditons are the worst. Good Luck.
3 :
Do anything and everything possible to avoid working for Mesa. They treat their employees like garbage. The work and pay rules, as compared to other competing companies (SkyWest, ExpressJet, Mesaba, etc) are incredibly bad. From my perspective, they amount to being laughable. You will spend nights sleeping on airplanes because the company will not shell out money for a hotel room, you will spend hours sitting on airplanes delayed in Chicago and not getting paid for your efforts, you will be treated like a child from day one. And to top all that off, Mesa will probably cease operations and go completely out of business by the end of the year.
4 :
I wouldn't loose any sleep over not getting a call back from Mesa, or any regional airline for that matter. Mesa has a bad reputation. I won't get into if that rep is deserved, but all regional airlines are pretty much the same...they suck. You might get some better work rules or a dollar or more an hour at a different regional, but when it comes down to it, the pay sucks at all of them and they all treat their crews like dirt, even the "good regionals". If you're looking to make this a career, then take what you can get, gain experience, and try for a job at a major airline or at least one that treats their employees well. FYI, working for a "bad" regional, but living in base, could be a lot better than working for a "good" regional, but having to commute. Of course, regional airlines tend to open and close bases all the time, so take that with a grain of salt.
5 :
Here we go.....let the Mesa bashing begin. I feel like I'm on APC.
Description : HAS ANYONE WORKED FOR MESA AIR GROUP?? (Flight Attendant) I attended a recruiting session about a week ago and I have not heard anything ...